Terms of use
The Guimauve.art site is a publication of the company Jérémy Rasse.
Jérémy Rasse is a company registered with the RCS of Salon de Provence under number 510 572 746 00038
Head office: 9A Chemin des cassades 13330 Pelissanne - France
Publication director: Jérémy Rasse
The Jérémy Rasse company is subject to French law.
Telephone number:
07 87 09 15 65
You can send us an email to the following address: contact@guimauve.art
Intellectual property rights
All elements present on the site and the site itself are protected by copyright, trademark law, designs and models and/or any other intellectual property rights. By elements, we mean in a non-exhaustive manner: photographs, images, drawings, illustrations, texts, videos, logos, brands, models, software... These elements belong to the company Jérémy Rasse or are used with the agreement of their owners .
As such, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or complete by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) is prohibited without the prior written authorization of OPAJ , apart from the exceptions referred to in article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, under penalty of constituting an offense of counterfeiting of copyright and/or designs and models and/or trademark.
Right to creation
The creator remains the owner of the copyright on his creation, within the meaning of French law. The rights of representation and reproduction of the works present on the opaj.fr site belong to their authors and to OPAJ. Their joint authorization is necessary for any exploitation of these rights. Your rights over the purchased work are therefore limited to a right of private use, excluding any right of representation and reproduction.
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